Adult Leader Training
Interested in being a leader? You will need to complete the Adult Leader Application form here, in addition to completing the online Youth Protection Training at my.scouting,org. This online training includes 4 modules, including the final test. Youth Protection Training is required of every adult involved in Scouting. There is a version of Youth Protection training for Scouting youth that gives them the tools to recognize, resist, and report different forms of child abuse.
BSA's national my.scouting,org site includes all of the required training for Scouts BSA Adult Leaders and other helpful information. Please register in order to access:
Youth Protection Training
Safety Training (Weather Hazards, Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat under "Expanded Learning")
Merit Badge Counselor Training
All Leader Position-Specific Program Training
Leader Training Records
The Occoneechee Council training calendar can be found here.
Troop 93's Knot a Lot program can be found here.
You may also enjoy the Animated Knot instruction found here.