Who We Are
Troop 93B is a high-adventure troop that meets and camps year-round. The troop is open to boys ages 11 through 17. We have been continuously active since 1943, and have an active leadership team. Please reach out to us at JoinTroop93@gmail.com to learn more, or to join us for an activity.
We have recently expanded to have a sister troop, Troop 93G, to welcome girls in the same age range. We began meeting in September 2023, and are actively planning our meetings and outings. You can contact us at JoinTroop93@gmail.com to learn more, and check out the link at the top of the page! The girls' troop operates as a separate troop from the boys' troop, allowing both groups to fill the leadership roles and plan adventures that suits their interests.
Boys and girls in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to join Cub Scout Pack 93. Pack 93 can be reached at Cubmaster@pittsboropack93.org
Troops 93B and 93G meet Wednesday nights at the Scout Hut (1020 US 64-Bus, Pittsboro NC) at 7 pm (boys troop) and 6 pm (girls troop). Monthly overnight camping trips have recently included wilderness survival, shooting, and backpacking trips. The troops also participate in regional events such as the Occoneechee Council Camp-O-Ree and annual week-long trips to BSA camp (such as Camp Ravenknob and Northern Tier in 2022, and Camp Daniel Boone and Philmont Scout Ranch in 2023). Past trips have included hiking in Yosemite, snorkeling in St. Thomas, and scuba diving in the Florida Keys.
“An invaluable step in character training is to put responsibility on the individual."
Lord Robert Baden-Powell
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Teach Scouts not how to get a living, but how to live.